
is a very interesting webcomic I randomly came across. The comic
is quite strange and fascinating. The basic premise is of the end
of the world, where laws of physics suddenly quit working properly.
The artwork is very nice use of pen and ink. I can't wait to find
out what happens next.

THE SQUIRREL is cute and funny and geeky. I believe
this comic strip is a newspaper feature thing, but you can read
it here. Only about 2 weeks of updates is kept in archives, so don’t
miss it!

CANDI is a webcomic that I have followed since the
very first strip. I know this comic is about a girl with pink hair,
and her name is Candi, out of all the girly names, but I LOVE THIS
WEBCOMIC. Good writing -- if not funny, then cute, or intriguing.
Art started out cute and keeps on improving! :) |

is another favorite of mine, also another funny geeky comic. I love
it so much partially because I identify with it. The main character
is a graphic designer, much like me, except done with school already
and stuff.

DEVIL'S PANTIES is simply addicting and I am sure 90%
of webcomic readers know about it. It is a journal comic updating
everyfreakenday! WHOO!

PURGATORY is my all-time-favorite webcomic ever. I
find it hilarious and awesome and art is great. It's a geek office
humor stuff that everyone can laugh at. Nix got a new artist and
this comic finally is off the couple-year long hiatus.

is just cool. I enjoy the humor and simple, but expressive
art. This webcomic will be big! Just watch and see.

is a webcomic I have been reading for a couple of years. I believe
Scott showed it to me first. I think it is amusing. It has a cheap
stupid sense of humor and lots of cuteness.. and lesbians.

KAZAWA: FREELANCE EXORCIST is done by the same person
who does BLADE KITTEN, but I prefer this comic to his other one.
Kitty Kazawa is a fun humorous crazy sexay manga. Great art! I wish
they fixed their navigation and updated more regularly though.

is an interesting web comic I somehow found. I really dig the art.

is bloody brilliant! Art is all vector-clean-detailed awesomeness
and each and every strip is very enjoyable and funny. |

LIFE is a journal comic full of awesome artsy randomness.
It ranges from beautiful colored art to stick figure doodles. Some
strips are funny, some weird, etc. Most stuff is really random and
expressive. I love it!

OF THE STICK is awesome. I am not a gamer, I never
played any of those RPGs but this comic amuses me greatly. The art
is simple, which works well, and the strips are deliciously LONG.

I love. Kind of a goth humor there, making fun of goth humor, too.
It's full of zombies. I hate zombies, but I don't mind these zombies.

SUCKS is an interesting comic by Liz, who used to do
Weirdism. The story is intriguing, and funny wherever appropriate.
The art style is experimental. She started out really gestural line
art, then did some really pretty colors in Flash, and now she is
doing nice monochromatic textural exploration stuff. Yes. Looks
good and continues to look better.

SIDES WIDE is full of awesome random crazyness. This
thing updates every week day too! Check it out! You must! These
people rock!

GIRL is something I came across a couple of months
ago. Its story is based in high school and makes fun of it all.
I find it amusing, I wish it updated more often.
Created by AleX Kujawa, F.A.R.T.S. are a part of Biscuit
Press. Hosted on BlueHost. |